JQuery is a fantastic tool but sometimes its functionality can be obscure or doing it one way might not work in a certain browser (MSIE6 anybody!).  I have often found myself trying to remember the best way to work with HTML select lists so I am compiling this list of hints for future use and I hope that you find it useful.  All the examples below are written where this represents the select element of the select list.

First up getting the selected value from a select list is as simple as using the jQuery shortcut $(this).val();.  Simple isn’t it!  Setting the selected item is just as easy too…

jQuery has a nice shortcut for setting the selectedIndex/value of an HTML select list and its syntax is as so $(this).val('value');.

Finding an option in a select list by its value works out to be something like this $('option[value="value-to-search-for"]', this);.

Often I need to be able to reset the select list to its initial state when clearing/resetting a form for the next submission.  There is a jQuery shortcut for this which is $(this).val('');, but it does not work in IE for whatever reason so I devised $(this).val($('option:first', this).val());.  This basically sets the select lists value equal to the first option in the list.

The next item on the list is resetting the select list to a blank option, which is easy with the following syntax $(this).val(null);.

Now to add an option into a select list with jQuery $(this).append('<option value="Option Value">Option Name</option>'); and to remove an option from the list by value $('option[value="value-to-search-for"]', this).remove();.

The aforementioned tips and some extras are included in a syntax highlighted manner below for your perusal.

//Get the currently selected option's value

//Get the currently selected option's title

//Set the currently selected option to the supplied value

//Get an option with a specified value
$('option[value="value-to-search-for"]', this);

//Reset select list to first value
$(this).val(""); //this doesn't work in IE

//Reset the select list to the first value
$(this).val($("option:first", this).val());

//Reset select list to blank option

//Add an option onto the top of a select list
$(this).prepend('<option value="Option Value">Option Name</option>');

//Add an option onto the end of a select list
$(this).append('<option value="Option Value">Option Name</option>');

//Add an option before a certain option in a select list
$('option[value="value-to-search-for"]', this).before(
  '<option value="Option Value">Option Name</option>',

//Add an option after a certain option in a select list
$('option[value="value-to-search-for"]', this).after(
  '<option value="Option Value">Option Name</option>',

//Remove an option from a select list by value
$('option[value="value-to-search-for"]', this).remove();