Cron: page 1
Email me when the file changes
It is important to ensure that Google does not index sites whilst they are still on a staging environment, but you cannot lock it down completely - how would your clients proof it? So I run a simple global rewrite rule in Apache that redirects all requests for robots.txt to a central disallow all response. This works great and Google appears to honour the rule as one would hope. What happens though when something about that central file changes? Read more ⇒
Linux to Windows Server - Migrating and securing your crontab
In the PHP development arena the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) stack is very common, but once in a while a client will come through the door with a Microsoft background. So what do you do if your CMS or framework was built with a Linux base layer in mind? Sounds easy, but what if you have jobs loaded into your Linux crontab for processing mail outs or after hours records processing? Read more ⇒
Windows Cron Jobs using Scheduled Tasks
UPDATED: I have written a new, more indepth, article on this subject here: </post/2009/01/linux-to-windows-server-migrating-and-securing-your-cron.html> Every now and then you end up having to develop on a Windows box. Here are some handy hints for getting your cron jobs up and running. The user interface for the Scheduled Tasks in Windows can be found at Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Scheduled Tasks. For performing cron jobs on webpages I recommend that you get the following binary: WGET for Windows Read more ⇒