Site Updates: page 1
I have been travelling around Europe for the last month or so and I have been completely out of reach. [STRIKEOUT:Unfortunately it looks as though the solution I had implemented for code highlighting has died during this time,][FIXED] [STRIKEOUT:but I have also noticed that it is stripping backslashes which is affecting the code – especially the MS SQL import script I have supplied on one of my posts][FIXED]. It contains references to newline characters etc (n), which have been destroyed by the Wordpress plug in I am using called Sniplets. Read more ⇒
Wordpress I have now moved my website over to WordPress; it is more widely supported than TextPattern and it has a regular release schedule. Read more ⇒
I did not realise it but it has been almost 6 months since the last update to this website. So I guess I have been busier than I thought of late! Anyway I created a new design for the site and added some features which I felt were lacking. I had planned to write my own blogging engine, but when I tried the upgrade to Textpattern 4.0.4 I realised that most of the things that annoyed me about previous releases had been fixed and improved. Read more ⇒
I have updated the sites backend code. Thought I would change the looks at the same time. So a nice simple new layout. Enjoy. Read more ⇒
Well I would like to say it went smoothly, but… At least its all transferred over and backed up now. This new server should be faster as well as more reliable than the old one. I even managed to get something up on Read more ⇒