Types: page 1
To make the construction and maintenance of more advanced types easier it can be helpful to write some tests that ensure their correct function. This sounds a little easier than it turns out to be. As part of the ecosystem for TypeScript Microsoft have written and released the dtslint tool. It can be used to link and compile TypeScript types for static analysis and mostly serves to keep the @types/* packages in line. Read more ⇒
As TypeScript applications get more complex so do the types required to describe it. There are a number of built-in types that can be used for this purpose or combined to create more specialised types. What I term modifying types such as Partial and Required are included in the language and I will quickly cover these first to warm up for the deeper types we’ll address later. This article will quickly move on to focus on the slightly more advanced types beginning with Extract. Read more ⇒
TypeScript constructors and generic types
I have recently found myself needing a type for class constructors that is at once generic and tight enough to ensure a genuine constructor. This is useful in situations where you must handle a variety of classes - those that come from other libraries or applications that you cannot control. When writing your own dependency injection container or some other generalised library you cannot know what class constructors might be passed in. Read more ⇒