Vim: page 1
Search and replace with confirmation in Bash
Automated search and replace can be very handy although there are occasions where a human needs to get involved on some of the decisions. If the search term isn’t unique or appears as part of other words or something like that. When this is the case you’ll want a confirm step where you can approve each replacement before it happens. With very little work we can achieve this using a combination of vim and grep. Read more ⇒
NetBeans with jVi vim bindings
I love vim and its very handy shortcuts, but I also like to be in a GUI IDE for most of my development. Thankfully there is an answer; add vims keybindings to the NetBeans environment with jVi. Once you have Netbeans 7+ installed you can install jVi by going to Tools > Plugins > Available Plugins and searching for jVi. Select jVi for NB-7.0 Update Center and click Install. Now click the Reload Catalog button and wait for the updates to stream in. Read more ⇒